We do not host materials, copyright and related rights for which (include the right to distribution) belong to other persons or entities. If the material has been posted on the site, the right holder has the right to appeal to the administration to resolve the issue by following these steps.
Dear visitors of the site robomodo.com. We request you to carefully study the provisions of the Disclaimer in order to prevent legal and other precedents associated with the use of materials of this resource, including those protected by copyright. We urge you to respect the rights of others, including their intellectual property rights, be it an article, image, audio file, or program. Remember that copyright infringement entails legal responsibility with all the ensuing preventive measures:1. Placed on the main and secondary web pages of robomodo.com (later web resource) information is laid out for free and full acquaintance of participants with topics that may be of particular interest to them.
2. Any information is published in its original format, without guarantees of relevance, completeness, accuracy or correctness, and without other express or implied warranties. Access to the web resource, as well as the use of its content, is at its sole discretion and risk.
3. The administrative team of the portal (web resource directors, officials, main founders, employees, administrators, representatives of the moderating team and other representatives) makes every effort to provide users with correct and relevant information, while the likelihood of inaccuracies does exist.
4. The robomodo.com portal is a project with fully accessible content for all participants. The site architecture allows everyone who has access to the Internet to multiply its content, therefore the site and its Content are provided without restrictions, on an “as is” basis, without making any agreements between the participants of this site, the Administration, the owners of servers on which The site is based, or by anyone else, in any way associated with this or indirect sites that may be the reason for filing any complaints.
5. The administrative structure does not provide any kind of promise or guarantee regarding the site and its content, including, without limitation, in terms of relevance, correctness, accessibility, accuracy, completeness or consistency with any specific goals of the website and content, in relation to that when browsing the portal there are no problems, it will be safe and uninterrupted, that the Administrators Group will fix the named malfunctions, or that there are no Trojan programs and viruses on the site, and also that Napo nenie and the website does not violate rights of third parties are not specified.
6. Some links on the robomodo.com website lead to third-party resources. These links are located on this Internet project for easy orientation and their presence does not mean that the Administrative Group of this portal encourages or generally assesses the content of third-party web resources. In addition, the Administration of the specified website is not responsible for the content of foreign resources and their availability. Written refers to any links, ad units and other data specified on the web resource submitted from other portals available on robomodo.com
7. The administration does not include among the basic powers such operations as controlling the legality or illegality of the information posted and sent, including the information that visitors transmit to one alone, either as separate materials or by sending links. The group of administrators does not determine the copyright, the legality of receiving and forwarding, as well as the use of materials transferred between the participants.
8. For advertising materials that are posted on the portal, only the advertiser is responsible. The web resource also warns that the possibility of acquiring or using the offered services and goods at a price or on the terms specified in the ad units is not guaranteed. The visitor agrees that the resource is not responsible for the likely consequences (including any damage) that have arisen as a result of any relationship with advertisers. Such damage includes such cases: personal injury, computer malfunction, computer addiction, damage to computing mechanisms and home networks, legal problems, and so on.
9. The Internet project provides the ability for users to send comments, questions, suggestions, complaints and other notifications to enter this information into the relevant sections of the portal that will be viewed by other participants. This web resource is not responsible for the information transmitted.
10. By visiting this portal, the participant confirms the unequivocal acceptance of the “Disclaimer” clause and the proposed Rules, in addition, he accepts all responsibilities that may be imposed on the user due to legitimate circumstances.
11. A team of portal administrators at any time has the right to make modifications to the Rules, which take effect immediately. Continued use of the portal after making modifications means that the participant automatically agrees with the new rules.